Sunday Morning Worship, Christian Formation and Fellowship Opportunities

View Our Services

You can livestream our services each Sunday morning from our Facebook page at Hertford United Methodist Church (HUMC) at 10:00 a.m.

You can also view it here on a delayed broadcast.

10:00 AM Worship

Sunday worship is a time we focus on the  worship of God the Father,  Son and Holy Spirit as we journey through the liturgical year together in various ways and methods as we seek to grow in our walk with Christ.

We are a tradional worshipping congregation that also adds different styles of music for worship.

We honor and live into the special seasons and days that speak of the birth, life, ministry and death of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We following the Liturgical Calendar as a guideline for our worship emphasis.

Preaching and Teaching

Holy Communion

The first Sunday of each month

Stained Glass Windows

Our stained glass windows tell the story of the life, ministry , death and resurrection of Jesus. 

Music Ministries

Worship at HUMC is highlighted by the music ministry led by our new Choir Director, Misty Hallberg.

We are a traditional worshipping congregation as well as having an appreciation for a variety of different music genres that lift up the name of Christ.

Our Worship Choir meets every Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m. They sing each Sunday morning as well as present special music presentations at Christmas, Easter and other times of the year.

Partners in Christ